Who we are

The Slovak Insurance Bureau is a legal entity established by the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 381/2001 Coll. on compulsory contractual insurance of liability for damage caused by the operation of a motor vehicle and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts.

One of our main tasks as the Slovak Insurance Office is to administer the insurance guarantee fund, from which damages caused by uninsured vehicles are covered.

As the Slovak Insurers' Bureau, we also keep a register of liability insurance and carry out border insurance. We represent insurers in international institutions dealing with liability insurance, conclude agreements with insurers' offices of foreign states, entities responsible for compensation of damages in the Member States, information centres of the Member States, and provide the tasks resulting from these agreements.

We cooperate with state authorities in matters relating to liability insurance, participate in the prevention of damage in road transport and carry out the activities of an information centre. To this end, we keep a liability insurance register at the request of the injured party and, on the basis of the data provided by the injured party, provide information on how to assert and settle his or her claim for compensation.

Last but not least, we provide the information needed in particular in the event of accidents, namely whether the party involved in the accident has compulsory insurance and with which insurer.

"SKP is an indispensable supplement to the traditional insurance sector. It protects all citizens – road users by covering damages, in the event that it is not possible to compensate the normal insurance premiums with contractual terms. Our mission is not carried out for the purpose of profit, but to create and maintain the values of transparent security and help and provided not only material but also informational services to our citizens."

Martin Kaňa
Executive Director of Slovak Insurers' Bureau

Our tasks

The Slovenská kancelária poisťovateľov (Slovak Insurers' Bureau):

  • administrates the Insurance Guarantee Fund
  • underwrites border insurance
  • represents Insurers in international institutions dealing with liability insurance,
  • concludes agreements with Insurers Bureaux of foreign countries, entities liable for loss indemnification in the Member States and the information centres of the Member States and secures the fulfilment of tasks resulting from these agreements,
  • co-operates with government agencies in respect of issues concerning liability insurance,
  • takes part in the prevention of losses in road traffic,
  • acts as an information centre and maintains a liability insurance register (hereinafter the Register) to this end,
  • informs, at the request of the Injured Party and based on data disclosed by the Injured Party, about ways of filing and settling claims for indemnification.

Guarantee Fund

The Slovenská kancelária poisťovateľov has been established by virtue of the Act No. 381/2001 on Compulsory MTPL Insurance and on changes in, and amendments to, some laws.

The Bureau provides from the Guarantee Fund indemnification for:

  • bodily injury and costs connected with death caused by the operation of an unknown motor vehicle,
  • for which an unknown person is liable,loss caused by the operation of a motor vehicle for which a person without liability insurance is liable,
  • loss caused by the operation of a motor vehicle, for which a person is liable, the liability of which is insured by an Insurer that, due to insolvency, cannot compensate this loss,
  • loss caused by the operation of a foreign motor vehicle, for which a person is liable, the liability of which is insured with Frontier Insurance,
  • loss caused by the operation of a foreign motor vehicle, operated by a driver, who had not the duty to contract border insurance at the entry to the Slovak Republic.



IT'S SIMPLE: go to the next page and enter your car's number plate in the field. Find out immediately if he has a valid MTPL (Motor Third Party Liability Insurance)
Verify MTPL
The Slovenská kancelária poisťovateľov has been established by virtue of the Act No. 381/2001 on Compulsory MTPL Insurance and on changes in, and amendments to, some laws.


Slovenská kancelária poisťovateľov
Bajkalská 19B
826 58 Bratislava 29
Slovak Republic

IČO: 36062235
DIČ: 2021634087

© Slovenská kancelária poisťovateľov 2023
Web by Kolovratok.
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